Ok I am new at this. This is my very first blog entry ever! Allow me to introduce myself. I am zukpr (prounced zoo keeper). I am a domestic engineer and a mother of 5 great kids! they are ages 11,7,7,6 &5. Yes there is a set of twins!I am also married to a wonderful husband. We have been together now for 8 years. I have a cat and 2 pit bulls as well as some tropical fish. I am also Wiccan! I have been practicing for 14 years now.
The purpose of this blog is to provide a way for people to look inside my world. All the ups and downs and the done right craziness that my world includes. Come enjoy the lives of all the animals in the zoo. But be warned - dont try to feed the animals and please keep hands and feet out of the exhibit areas. Animals WILL bite if they feel provoked! LOL
Congrats on starting a new blog!
I look forward to reading more. :)
And since I have 7 kids and 3 zoos...it is a zoo here too and I often obey the rules set by the zoo keeper because I find that it keeps on safe. ha ha
Well Hello there lady nice to see you lol. At least now I know where to find you if I ever want to know whats on your mind. Looking forward to learning more about you :)
Hello there, it seems like everyone has one of these things now days. Well I just figured I'd stop by and say hello. So Hello :)
Thanks for stopping by FallenAngel.
Feel free to poke around my world anytime. Just be careful. Some of the animals here at the zoo tend to bite. LOL
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