I have also started working again! I am now babysitter for this nice Asian couple. Just one little girl, Jackie. She is an absolute joy! Cute as a button and the most well behaved 14 month old I have ever seen. I had some problems at first getting her to eat but have now figured out that it wasn't anything I was doing wrong is was just that she didn't like what her parents had sent so she is now eating "American" food. Last night she had ice cream for the first time in her little life and of course she LOVED it. Who doesn't love ice cream? I only get paid $100 a week but it is easy money and it is enough to buy the kids a treat once in awhile. last night they thought I was the greatest mom ever because I treated them to Taco Bell for dinner.
The kids are now out of school and driving me nuts! Amber has left for a summer visit with her "Grand parents" in Florida and her summer camp at Sea World/Busch Gardens. She should have a blast there. The other kids are enjoying the break from their bossy older sister. LOL Justin has to go to summer school but it doesn't start until July so I will tell you more about that when we get a little closer.
I have been quite busy here on the Internet. I am still making my money and the PTP site MyLot.com. I am also a member of another forum where we are more like a closely knit dysfunctional family. LOL Really they are great people. I also am a moderator of yet another forum that is just getting off the ground. So far we don't have too many members but the ones we do have are real gems. I have made so wonderful new friends in these sites and I value the connection I have with them all.
Great blog!
Thank you to the 2 anonymous people for the compliments.
You are welcome.
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